Researchers at the UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies want your help in identifying the top 10 unanswered questions on e-cigarette use.
The findings will help ensure that the UKCTAS team focus on the most important issues in this emerging field.
The survey takes about five minutes to complete and is open to vapers, dual users, smokers and never-smokers.
Dr Abby Hunter of Nottingham University’s Division of Epidemiology and Public Health, said:
“Vaping has revolutionised the ‘quit smoking’ industry and has certainly helped millions of smokers give up cigarettes. However, because e-cigarettes are a fairly recent product, very little is known about the long-term health effects of using them.
“To guide our future research into this we need to identify the most important questions associated with vaping and would like the opinions of the general public as well as clinicians.”
The survey will be open until March 7. Respondents will then be asked to complete a follow-up survey to rank the top 10 priority questions.
For more information and to complete the survey, take a look at University of Nottingham’s press release ‘Shaping the Future of Vaping Research‘.